Warm-up Strength Strict Press (5,3,1 ) last set of one should be heavy and attempt to get as many reps as possible.) Workout: 100x Back Squat Player chooses weight Weight should be a challenge to complete 100 straight reps Each time bar is racked player immediately owes 20x B
Strength Back Squat Warmup, 80% x 3, 85% x 3, 90% x 3 ( last set Maximum Reps) Pulls 3x M.E between Back squat sets.. A) For Total Reps: AMRAP 2 – Max Burpees Rest 1 Minute AMRAP 2 – Max Wallballs Rest 1 Minute AM
Strength 5×5 Back Squat Followed immediately into with Dip or pull-up practice. We are aiming for proper form here. Full depth and right elbows. Met-Con 2 Min AMRAP:! KettleBell-Swing! B) 6 Min AMRAP:! 15 Bu
Weightlifting: Clean and Jerk 65%x 2 70%x2 75%x1 80%x1 85%x1 90%x1 proceed to heavy single (2 misses and done) Or Work-up to Heavy Thruster ( Beginners) Conditioning: Conditioning – For time in teams of 2 or
Deadlift 1RM Test Start Clock, Work for 5 min: Buy In – 80 Double Unders (2 min time cap) Then AMRAP remaining time of: 10 Wallball (20/14) 10 KB Swings (53/35) Rest 2 min Start Clock, Work for 5 min: Buy In –
AMRAP 12: 7 Thrusters (95/65) Advanced athletes use #55-65#dumbbells , Novice use Barbells 7 Box Jumps-overs(24/20) 7 Slam Balls *Mandatory 200m runs on the 0, 4, 8 & 12 minute marks. When athletes come back fro