Strength : 5 x 2 Power Snatch 80-85 % Focusing on massive hip-drive quick over head turnover 5×3 Negative Pull-ups (there are going to be in the Open) Work: Mini Kalsu (otherwise known as the toughest Crossfit workout on the planet.) “KALSU” which is 100 Thrusters for
No Strength Today ( can use this time to make up strength work after class. ) AMRAP in 15 minutes. 200m run 8 plate burpees 60′ overhead plate walk (same)
Deadlift 3×5 (Last set done for maximum reps) AMRAP in 7 Minutes 3, 6, 9…etc reps of: ‘Heavy’ Thruster (Performance: 115lbs, Athletic*: 65lbs,: 45lbs) Toes to Bar Accessory Superman and Banana’s