Strength Walking Lunge 5×12 ( use Heavy Kettlebell) Push-ups 5×12 Work 3 Rounds 7 Front Squats 155/115# 400m Run 5 Front Squats 200m Run 3 Front Squats 100m Run Rest 1 minute between rds Midline.
Skill 8-10 minutes of Double Under Practice Strength Push-Press, 3-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 Work 2 Min AMRAP: KettleBell Swings 8 Min AMRAP 15 Burpee 45 Double-Under 2 Min AMRAP KettleBell-Swing (M=70/53, W=53/35)
Say goodbye to boring workouts. This new fad is here to stay. High Intensity Interval Training is a method of exercise that focuses on super intense and charged bursts of activity followed by rest or less intense activity. If you are like me and many others, this is what you might ha
Strength Work up to heavy Muscle Snatch. Skill 10 minutes of double- under practice and development Work AMRAP 12 minutes: 7 Russian KB Swing (Heavy) 10 Wallball 20/14 15 Sit-up Cool-Down 5-8 minutes cardio…
So now that the CrossFit Open is over, most of you like where you have placed in the Open and some of you are really upset with your current results and with that I would like the members of Hella CrossFit to focus on the upcoming goals for rest of 2015. I think any improvement in
Aprils Fool by the way… Strength 5X3 Paused Front Squat (3 count pause in rock bottom) – heavy but non-maximal, rest 90 sec. Work AMRAP 5 Minutes 7 Hang Power Clean (135/93) 7 Toes‐to‐Bar Rest 2 Minutes, then AMRAP 4 minutes 5 Hang Power Clean (115/83) 5 Toes‐to‐bar * The goa
Strength 4 X 100’ Prowler Push (HEAVY) Work AMRAP 5 Min: 7 Pushups (Hand Release) 5 Toes to Bar or V-ups 3 Box Jumps (these should be high [borderline scare you high] so you can’t rebound) Rest 2 Min AMRAP 5 Min: 7 Pushups (Hand Release) 5 Toes to Bar or V-ups 3 Box Jumps (the
Strength 5×2 Front Squat at 80 %- 85% each set followed by 2 negative pull-ups. Work For time: Run 800m 40 Dual KB Power Clean & Push Jerks 24/16kg (one KB in each hand, start from the floor each rep) Run 800m Midline 10 Minutes working on Toes to Bar