15 DeadLift – 155/255# 8 ring dips or Matadors 13 DeadLift – 155/255# 8 ring dips or Matadors 11 DeadLift – 155/255# 8 ring dips or Matadors 9 DeadLift – 155/255# 7 DeadLift – 155/255# 8 ring dips or Matadors 5 DeadLift – 155/255# 8 ring dips or Mat
Hey guys, hopefully you guys made it through New Year’s Eve relativity well. I have a couple updates coming towards the Crossfit program, but for now. January 8th – January 10th, I will be attending a seminar and have asked the other coaches to fill in while I am gone. F
Strength 5×3 Push Press (Heavy but manageable) After each set of PP hanging L-sits ( Max Time) Work 10 KB Thrusters 24/ 44# (Advanced Athletes 44#/53#) 60’ Bear Crawl 10 Rounds for time
Strength: Power Cleans 5×3 (Heavy but Manageable) After each set of Power Cleans M.E Pull-ups stopping 1-2 before failure. Work: 3 Rounds for Time 25 Back Squat 155/105# 20 Russian Swings 25/16kg 15 Push-ups / Adva
Strength Shoulder Press 3×5 ( Work up to heaviest 5 ) followed by 5 x 1:00 Plank Hold Work AMRAP 20 200m Run 80′ Overhead Plate Lunge 45/25# 15 Overhead Squats w/ Plate 15 Pull-Ups