Strength: 20 Rep Back Squat 60 % of 1RM Back Squat Rest 5- 8 Mins ( you’re gonna need it ) next week add 5 pounds and repeat Work: For time complete: 800m Run 20 Squats 600m Run 30 Squats 400m Run 40 Squats 200m Run 50 Squats Ac
Strength: ( make -up ) 20 Rep Back Squat 60 % of 1RM Back Squat Rest 5- 8 Mins ( you’re gonna need it ) next week add 5 pounds and repeat 5×3 Deadlifts @ 85% + Chin Up 3 x Max Reps Work 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps of: 2
Strength: 15 Minutes to establish heaviest clean and Jerk for the day.. Ensure Proper warm- up. Work 30-20-10 reps; Power Clean 75# / 135 # Lunge 75# /135 # Bar Push-ups* *hold and stabilise the power clean & lunge ba
Strength: Hang-Power Snatch, 3-3-3-3-3 Work For Time: Run 1 Mile 3 Rope Climbs (15’) Run 800m 2 Rope Climbs Run 400m 1Rope Climb 500m Row 1 Rope Climb * rope climbs only to 15 feet. not all th
Skill : Cleans 3 Position Drill Strength: Hang Power Clean 5×3 Heavy but Challenging 5×3 (Push Press + 3 Push Jerks) Heavy but Challenging Work: Helen Accessory: 3x 10 Toes to Bar .
Strength: 20 Rep Back Squat 60 % of 1RM Back Squat Rest 5- 8 Mins ( you’re gonna need it ) next week add 5 pounds and repeat Work: 1 Mile Run / 2000 Meter Row 30 Dumbbell Snatches @ 35 # 55+ 30 Overhead Plate Lunges 25#/4