WOD 7:29:2015 | Dogtown Athletic - Oakland Boxing and Oakland CrossFit

WOD 7:29:2015

Hi we have a big day tomorrow with our first week of  the Wendler  5/3/1 training program almost wrapping up.  I hope you all feel good and getting the rest that you need to fulfill the requirements of the Wendler Program.  Just a heads up if you have any friends interested in your fitness regimen please recommend them to the Best Crossfit gym in the Eastbay.. ( Hella Crossfit of course)


3×5 Bench Press

1×5 @ 65 %

1×5 @ 75 %

1×5+ @ 85 %


50-40-30-20-10 Russian KB swing at 70/53 lbs

15-12-9-6-3 Strict pull-ups


75 Banded Good Mornings

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