WOD 1:18:2015 | Dogtown Athletic - Oakland Boxing and Oakland CrossFit

WOD 1:18:2015




Back Squat “back off week “

3×5 @ 50-65 %

3x 3 weighted pull-ups or partner  resisted )

Goblet Squat @ with a weight greater than 35 pounds  for example  44#, 53# , 70#

4x Max reps  in 60 seconds

Rest 1 minute between



Against a 9 minute clock…

20-16-12-8-4 Goblet Squats

100-80-60-40-20 Rope Skips

With remaining time… of the 8 mins.

Max reps KB Swings

(Intermediate / Advanced)

B) Against a 9 minute clock…

10-8-6-4-2 Front Squats 115/75

50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders

With remaining time…

Max reps of Power Cleans 115/75


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