WOD 1:21:2015 | Dogtown Athletic - Oakland Boxing and Oakland CrossFit

WOD 1:21:2015






3x 5 Strict Press ( Back off week )


The following for time;
7 Heavy Thrusters
7 C2B Pull-Ups
7 Heavy Thrusters
7 C2B Pull-Ups
7 Heavy Thrusters
7 C2B Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run
5 Heavy Thrusters
5 C2B Pull-Ups
5 Heavy Thrusters
5 C2B Pull-Ups
5 Heavy Thrusters
5 C2B Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run
3 Heavy Thrusters
3 C2B Pull-Ups
3 Heavy Thrusters
3 C2B Pull-Ups
3 Heavy Thrusters
3 C2B Pull-Ups
400 Meter Run
*Pull-Ups are Chest-to-Bar
**20# Weighted Vest is prefered if able

WOD Courtesy of Crossfit Almaden..

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