WOD 4:1:2015 | Dogtown Athletic - Oakland Boxing and Oakland CrossFit

WOD 4:1:2015

Aprils Fool by the way…


5X3 Paused Front Squat (3 count pause in rock bottom) – heavy but non-maximal, rest 90 sec.


AMRAP 5 Minutes
7 Hang Power Clean  (135/93) 7 Toes‐to‐Bar

Rest 2 Minutes, then

AMRAP 4 minutes
5 Hang Power Clean (115/83) 5 Toes‐to‐bar

* The goal is to beat the number of rounds on the 2nd attempt as the first, even though it is shorter. Make the weights easy to strip (example: Rx’d men strip a 10 off each side during rest to drop to 115 for 2nd AMRAP).

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