WOD 8:3:2015 | Dogtown Athletic - Oakland Boxing and Oakland CrossFit

WOD 8:3:2015


3×3  ( Back Squat)

1×3 @70%

1×3 @80%

1×3+@ 90%


Stiff Karen:

With a partner,

300 Wall Balls 20/14#

For time.

*ball can never touch the ground, partner not doing wall ball must hold hollow or arch*


50 AB Wheels

Hey Y’all week two of our Wendler Strength program. I hope you all rested up and enjoyed some of this perfect Oakland weather. Who’s ready for a great week of Crossfit WOD’s and moving some weight. Some  housekeeping, Our super bearded coach Matt Andrus just his little baby girl make sure and tell him Congrats when you see him. Our first official Crossfit – Onramp coming in a few weeks let your friends know it’s about to go down at Dogtown.


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