Partner WOD
AMRAP in 5 Minutes
1 P Snatch/1 Burpee
2 P Snatch/2 Burpees
3 P Snatch/3 Burpees
4 P Snatch/4 Burpees
5 P Snatch/5 Burpees
Rest 2 Minutes
AMRAP in 5 Minutes
1 Thruster/1 Pullup
2 Thrusters/2 Pullups
3 Thrusters/3 Pullups
4 Thrusters/4 Pullups
5 Thrusters/5 Pullups
Gents=115#, Ladies=75#
Only 1 person works at a time. 1 partner does a couplet and then the other one does.