January Pr’s | Dogtown Athletic - Oakland Boxing and Oakland CrossFit

January Pr’s

January PR’s are in and massive shout-out to everyone who came to class and really pushed themselves. Honestly massive shout out to everyone, January’s workouts were very difficult let’s not mention the dreaded Briggs workout ever again. @Kazia (@Knowacki) had a first and a PR. She rowed her first #5k and #clean and #jerk 73 pounds (New PR) and she topped it off with a 178-pound deadlift. Can we say she is on the train to #gainzville.  Africa conquered a fear of a 24-inch box jump. (time to try 30 inches) Melissa (@melissaebates) crushed as usual with some pretty good numbers this month coming in with a 255-pound deadlift, 113-pound Power Snatch.  We also had some stand out performances by Jordyn Duggan (@jordynduggan )  with the fastest time on Briggs and a 150 pound clean and jerk.  Lastly Kiranjit or just Kiran for short knocked it out the park with a 185-pound deadlift.  Great work by all last month.  Just a heads up, when you get a new Personal Record (PR) please just put it on the board.

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