Why did you decide to join Dogtown Athletic?
I decided to join Dogtown Athletic because I can see the gym from my porch. Plus, I wanted to see what this Crossfit thing was about.
How has being a member at Dogtown Athletic helped you on your fitness journey?
Working out with people has helped me a lot! Before the Dogtown, all I had to rely on was the internet and YouTube to teach me correct form and I had to dig motivation out from somewhere to work out solo. Now, just going to the gym. Seeing everyone is motivation enough.
How do you find/make time to get your workouts in?
Usually, I make it as early as possible before anything is open, before any distractions start, and before the laziness kicks in.
What has been your most memorable achievement at Dogtown Athletic? Tell us something about yourself?
Probably when I first started, because everything I did was personal record!
What advice do you have for anyone thinking about starting?
Just go and handle it! Don’t listen to the hater in your head.
What motivates/inspires you?
Being better than yesterday and seeing everyone else kicking ass.
What are your fitness goals?
I wanna live to be at least 150 years old! Or, get so fit that I slow down the aging process.
Schedule Updates
HIIT Class
HIIT Classes
Thank you for your patience as we are actively looking for a new addition to replace Alhaji. A big THANK YOU to Moses who has been running all of the morning HIIT classes. We may have some trial classes here and there with other trainers until we come to a permanent solution. Please feel free to pass on any info regarding other trainers we should interview.
Next week we will not have any boxing classes because Tony and Dan will be away for Dan’s first Amateur Fights at the Desert Showdown in Coachella, CA by Palm Springs. Let’s give him a big cheer and hope he doesn’t come back with a broken nose
Public Service Announcement: World Wear Project
If you’re like most people, your closet’s probably home to multiple pairs of athletic shoes you no longer wear. Here’s your chance to dust them off and put them to good use.
At Dogtown Athletic, we are working with World Wear Project to divert wearable, affordable boots and shoes from our nation’s landfills and put them in a good home. You will see a tall box in the front of the locker area to drop off your donations. The shoes that are collected are then shipped to third world countries at affordable prices. With your help we can continue to persevere in this mission and help create funds for yours.
Learn more about our mission here: About World Wear Project
Help keep the gym looking clean and tidy! Please use the LOCKERS to put your clothes in. If you do not have a lock, see the front desk to get a combo, or bring one from home
While you’re working out, remember to put things away as you are done. Kettlebells, weights, jump ropes, bands, balls, mats, and boxing gloves should be stored as soon as you are done with them. Please wipe down equipment after your workout. Additionally, management will also do a better job of keeping areas swept and clean!